Women’s center "Gulrukhsor"
Women’s center "Gulrukhsor". Raising women’s status in the society, involving them into entrepreneurial activity, promoting economic rights and opportunities of the women, we should not forget about their psycho - emotional condition, mental well - being. One of the permanent partners of Business alliance is Women’s center "Gulrukhsor", that has been functioning as a crisis center and temporary shelter for women/victim of domestic violence. Annually more than 3000 women refer to the center for legal and psychological consultations and rehabilitation. The temporary shelter renders 2 - weeks psychological rehabilitation and legal assistance. Each year about 60 women with their kids stay in the shelter until all their issues are resolved with involvement of the center’s specialists, women’s family members, representatives of local government and law enforcement agencies, if necessary. Women’s center "Gulrukhsor" assists women to save the family, protect their rights, raise self - confidence. All members of the Business alliance support mission of the center directed to elimination of domestic violence and take part in informational campaigns on raising public awareness on the issues of violence against women.