NABWT members
Members of NABWT are women entrepreneurs representing different spheres of business, including spheres of production and sale of industrial goods, food, processing agricultural products and consumer services.
Our members are both individuals and legal entities.
The Association is open to the accession of persons who desire to become members of the Association.
Entry to the Association is carried out exclusively on a voluntary basis.
How to become a member of NABWT
The Association is open to the accession of persons who have expressed a desire to become full members of the Association. Entry to the Association is carried out exclusively on a voluntary basis.
In accordance with clause 4.2 of the Charter, on the basis of the Civil Code of RT and the Law on Public Organizations, legal and physical persons can be members of the Organization.
For legal entities
A legal entity that intends to join the Organization should fill out the application form and write a statement.
The application from the legal entity will be considered on the Board of the Association.
Within 10 days of the meeting of the Board, the person submitting the application is notified of the decision made.
After receiving notice of the positive decision of the Board, the contract will be signed among the applicant and the Association.
For individuals
An individual who intends to join the Organization, fills out an application form, writes a statement and submits to the Association a copy of a passport.
The statement and application from of the individual will be considered by the Board of the Association.
Within 10 days of the meeting of the Board, the person submitting the application is notified of the decision made
Rights and duties of members
Members of the Association have the right to:
- Get the information about the current activities of the Association
- Submit proposals for discussion of the management of the Association and take part in their discussion
- Elect and be elected to the governing bodies of the Association
- Participate in the resolution of all matters relating to the activities of the Association
- Enter and leave the Association at will
- Take part in the implementation of specific projects and programs developed and funded by the Association
- Attend at various educational programs delivered by Association or its partners
- Be provided with consultations, expert opinions, recommendations from the Association, publish interesting materials
- Contact the Association for assistance in protecting their rights and interests
- Receive business services
- Participate in vocational and business trainings
Members of the association are required to:
- Actively take part in the achievement of the goals and objectives of the Association
- Comply with the requirements of this Charter, decisions of meetings, meetings
- Pay annual membership fee in a timely manner
- Notify within seven days from the date of changing the legal address or the address of its actual location, or contact phones, to the Executive Directorate of the Association with indication of new corresponding addresses or contact telephone numbers
- Assist the Association in carrying out its tasks and functions
- Promote goals and objectives of the Association
Each member of the Association has the right to withdraw from the membership on their own.
Upon leaving the Association at own request, a member of the association must notify the Board of the Association in written form.
A member of the Association may be excluded from membership in cases of gross and repeated violation of the Association's Charter.