On December 9, the first information meeting of USANT program was held in Dushanbe, which was attended by alumni from Districts of Republican Subordination (DRS) and the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO). This meeting was dedicated to intensive networking with alumni of U.S. exchange programs. Participants accepted the proposal to unite alumni into a single network. It became an inspiring event and motivation for their unification into one network. Program promotes joint initiatives, projects, actions.
During the meetings, alumni exchanged work experience and informed about future plans. The main mission of the meeting was successfully completed – our team presented the USANT program, spoke about further goals and plans, and, very importantly, demonstrated our future online platform for alumni. There they can strengthen existing ties, build new relationships, share news, conduct webinars and communicate.
Another important part was dedicated to the brainstorming process, during which the participants got acquainted with the mental map and its main goals: interconnection, platform, mentoring and representation. Programs, statements and suggestions for the USANT program alumni provided us with were really important. USANT is a program from alumni to alumni. Alumni’s opinions and arguments helped the organizers to understand clearly the further development and direction of USANT.
On December 13, 2019 at 14:00 in Khujand and on December 20 at 9:00 in Bokhtar, similar information meetings will take place in American spaces in respected regions.
Welcome to these meetings! We hope for your active participation. Your opinions and suggestions are necessary for further activities of the network. We come for unity! Join USANT!