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Training for women-entrepreneurs

From 21st to 24th of June 2018 in Yavan area of Khatlon region was held 4 day training on increasing business potentials for women-entrepreneurs. In 4 days experienced trainers taught the participants of the training about the basis of business planning, shared the secrets of the plan on production and financial reporting, introduced with the strategy of product’s marketing and sales, informed about the taxation system and the types of registration of entrepreneurial activity. As a result, the participants of the trainings received new skills and knowledge in the field of business.
The event is held as part of the program on increasing women’s potentials in Tajikistan which is part of “Rating of women’s demand on knowledge and skills to run the business and self-employment, and increasing women’s potentials to promote women entrepreneurship in target regions of Tajikistan” subproject, that is being implementing by JO “National Association of delovih women in Tajikistan” as part of UNDP “Expanded Europe; Cooperation on tradingin Central Asia” project, that is fund by Finland Government.


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