On November 15 2019, the meeting was held with the representatives of the USAID project on improving the competitiveness of agribusiness in Tajikistan Toshpulot Berdyev and with the President of LMG CONSULTING Liz McGuinness, which was attended by M. Pulatova, IMON Fund Director, M. Nozimova, Project Director National Association of Business Women of Tajikistan, Berdimuratov A.-Director of the Training Center “Best Practices in Business and Finance”, agricultural trainers Vohidov T. and Yusupov E.
The parties acquainted with the new USAID project on improving the competitiveness of agribusiness in Tajikistan and the activities of the IMON Foundation, NABWT, the Training Center “Business and Finance Excellence” and the NGO “Youth Achievement”.
The new USAID agribusiness competitiveness project in Tajikistan will focus on the market, the private sector to stimulate economic growth, increase employment and improve living standards. This project will also improve Tajikistan’s ability to effectively participate in regional trade, and improve the interaction of countries in Central Asia.
It is noted that NABWT has sufficient experience in the field of agribusiness. The USAID four-year unique project “Women’s Entrepreneurship for Empowering Women” was successfully implemented in the Khatlon region. The beneficiaries of the project were mostly rural women. The uniqueness of the project were: innovative method of growing strawberries was introduced in six districts of the Khatlon region, a greenhouse for growing strawberry seedlings and other vegetables was created in two districts. In addition to this, women underwent training and gained professional skills, there are five successfully operating Training Centers. Aside issuing loans, The IMON Fund deals with leasing, mortgages, and agro-training. The training center has qualified trainers for conducting business trainings, trainings in financial literacy, ICT, etc.
The IMON Foundation, NABWT and members of the Business Alliance expressed their willingness to cooperate for the implementation of this innovative project in the regions of the Khatlon region of Tajikistan.