Today as a part of “"Chain of business intermediary organizations and competitive enterprises in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan" program, which is being implemented with support of The European Commission, the National Association of Business Women of Tajikistan organized a meeting with representatives of the Sughd region Tax Committee on the topic "Amendments and Additions to the Tax Code of the Republic of Tajikistan."
Artisans, representatives of education and production centers and NGO representatives were invited.
New information about the amendments and additions to the Tax Code of the Republic of Tajikistan were introduced by the Head of the Department of Work with Taxpayers in Sughd Region – Islomiddinov Holis Mizosharifovich to the participants of the meeting. After the presentation of Islomiddinov Holis Mizosharifovich questions were asked by the participants on the topics:
• procedure of patent obtaining,
• who can have exemptions on paying taxes,
• what documents should be submitted,
• What advantages should people have that exempt from tax payment.
Also, participants suggested that artisans who are subject of exemption from tax payment would be issued with a certifying document confirming the exemption on the basis of which they could sell and promote their products.
During the coffee break Kholis Mirzosharifovich held an individual consultation with some participants of the meeting. Participants were satisfied with the meeting and learned a lot of new and useful information for themselves.