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Women’s comprehensive access to finance can become a priority in the national strategy for financial inclusion in the Republic of Tajikistan.

Expanding access to financial services and products promotes women’s economic empowerment.

Women remain an excluded category from the country’s financial system, especially in rural areas, where the gender gap in access to finance is more than 20%.

The main obstacles to providing women with financial services are the lack of products and services that meet the needs and requirements of women, low financial literacy, social and cultural barriers.

NABWT was among the main organizers of the First National Conference on Financial Inclusion of the Republic of Tajikistan in August 2019. The organization seeks to bring women’s financial inclusion to the fore in public development policies.

NABWT strongly believes that building an inclusive financial system in a country requires:

  • Apply gender-sensitive financial sector regulation;
  • modernize and improve digital infrastructure;
  • create a system for collecting and analyzing gender disaggregated data on the supply and demand side to develop effective solutions
  • strengthen the consumer protection system

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