Munira Isamova
Event agency "O'Bale", Dushanbe city
Munira Isamova was invited to her friend's wedding party in abroad. There she saw the scene of the party which was decorated so attractively and stylishly that leaved a lasting impression on her. Having come back to homeland Munira organized a holiday agency.
- My friend asked me to help the stage designers with arrangement of the scene of her wedding party. The scene was decorated with Barbie style and all decorations complied with the color of a rose. I was very impressed by this event, since the atmosphere was festive and joyous. After that evening I started attending training sessions. I knew that there were several agencies operating in Dushanbe city. But I used special style of decoration in my business, - Munira Isamova told. – Following lots of thinking over and consulting I called it "O'Bale". This is an exclamation of contented customers in respect of my service.
Organizing of the work of this agency had a number of difficulties and obstacles. The complexity of this business was to make offer based on the customer's taste. Munira Isamova has formed her professional staff of creative people. Most of them were students of higher schools. Once or twice a year Munira invites leading trainers of this field and organizes professional trainings to her staff members. She thinks not only about her own professional growth, development of her employees is of her principle concern. Munira told:
- All of us wear a uniform with the emblem "O'Bale". Customers recognize us by this uniform; they appraise us by quality of our performance and our treatment. I treat my staff strictly. Their sense of responsibility and courteous treatment with the client guarantee our success.
Munira Isamova provides her services not only in the parties and festal events of local citizens, but also serves in the events held at republican level where she shows her professionalism and workmanship.