Gulsara Umarova
Head of Dekhkanfarm "Tomiris" located in Jabor Rasulov district
When Gulsara Umarova in 2014 participated in the contest "Farah" she had 6 hectare of land where she set up a garden.
In our follow up meeting she proudly and with confidence told us that her land area equals now to 15 hectares and the number of shareholders increased to 10 people. Gulsara Umariva graduated from the Agrarian University. Together with her husband Olimjon they brought up four children. Gulsara comes from the family of intelligent people. In the field of agriculture's activities she is supported and encouraged by her husband. Her husband Olimjon says:
- "Since our student years I knew that she was not afraid of work. When we married and moved to the rural area over the short period of time she got accustomed to the countryside life and forgot that she comes from the city. In contrary there were times when she advised me to take unused lands, to cultivate them and improve our livelihood."
And she was right. She created gardens in the area of 4 hectares and initially she planted 1300 persimmons trees. Then she planted almond trees, plums, sweet cherries, cherries and over the entire perimeter of the land she planted pomegranate bushes. The farm was established in 2010. Over this period of time Gulsara Umarova participated in lots of trainings and learned how to develop further. In order to use efficiently all the available land resources she grows rice in the area of 6 hectares located in the other part of our district. She grows vegetables in the area of 2 hectares and wheat in the area of 3 hectares. Gulsara performs thorough analysis of the situation before making such decisions. Gulsara states:
-"The last training I participated was conducted in the frame work of Clime Adapt Project where we were shown the right ways of applying drip irrigation". I liked it very much. Now I have very interesting ideas and if I use drip irrigation methods I shall be able to cultivate dozens hectares of abandoned and unused lands.